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Assignment #3 - Lifestyle Criticism

Over the past few months I have been on a beauty kick. Yes, a beauty kick. I personally believe that one aspect of fixing yourself on the inside and becoming a better person is also fixing yourself on the outside. With this heightened love for all things beauty I found myself seeking tips and opinions on how I could seek perfection in the beauty craft, and it is safe to say the many women can agree that Youtube is the Google of makeup. If you want a cut crease with ombre lips, a halo eye look with a highlight that could direct airplane traffic Youtube is the site for you.

Beauty gurus post videos daily explaining tips of the trade, essential products, and just life lessons in general, which is all great, but my criticism is why are they so perfect?

“A beauty guru is a person, male or female, that has a passion for an aspect of beauty, whether it be makeup, hair, nails, fashion, or skincare. To gain the title of a beauty guru, one must be interested in more than one of these areas, and must have a following.” -Amber Johnson

Beauty gurus are seasoned professionals getting paid to post, blog, and video all things beauty, but most of them have full-fledged careers, children, spouses, and just an overall perfection that exudes through the camera and they get free stuff. One of my favorite beauty gurus is Aaliyah Jay. 

The criticism I have is that beauty gurus like Aaliyah Jay not only blog about all things beauty, they blog about their lifestyle and it is portrayed as so glamorous, I just wonder why do they not blog about the unforeseen occurrences of life since they are beauty/ lifestyle bloggers.
