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Assignment #4 - Technology Criticism

Since 1972 when the Magnavox Odyssey came to light with the "Pong" style console, there has been a constant "up-one" strategy between all of the big tech companies. Gamers flock to stores in droves yearly in search of bigger and better consoles.

Maybe the concept surpasses me because I am not a gamer, but in the instance where a black console is relaunched in a smaller body with a different color casing I would not go crazy. In an article on Time's Tech page they provide an in depth look at what exactly gamers look at when purchasing consoles.

The article entitled, "The Surprising Reasons People Buy the PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Wii U", written by Matt Peckham is like an outsiders look in on why gamers flock to shop for game consoles yearly, he states, "The chart's results are weirder than they appear at first. Take resolution, the number of horizontal by vertical lines output as video signal, and constitutive of the number of pixels onscreen. 

Several first-wave, multi-platform games ran at higher resolution on the PlayStation 4 than the Xbox One, owing, everyone in the media's assumed based on anecdotal developer chitchat, to disparity between the two systems' processing power."Peckham also went on to conclude, "The presumption is that slight visual differences shouldn't matter, that you're just being slavish to detail if you're obsessed with subtle pixel differentiation. Yet there it is, the topmost reason for buyers of Sony's console."
